Membership Covenant

Having received Christ as my Lord and Saviour and been baptised and being in agreement with the statements, strategy and structure of Safe Harbour Family Church, I commit myself to do the following:

A. Protect the unity of my church:

    1. By acting in love towards other members.
    2. By refusing to gossip.
    3. By supporting and respecting the leadership.

B. Share the responsibility of my church:

    1. By praying for growth.
    2. By inviting the unchurched to attend.
    3. By warmly welcoming those who visit.

C. Serve the ministry of my church:

    1. By discovering my gifts and talents.
    2. By being equipped to serve.
    3. By developing a servant’s heart.

    D. Support the testimony of my church:

    1. By attending faithfully.
    2. By living a Godly life.
    3. By giving regularly of my time, talents and finances.